Monday, June 13, 2011

Bodybuilding from the kitchen

What you should be eating for health and muscle growth. Also suitable for eating healthy when trying to lose some weight. Anything you consume must be accompanied with a suitable exercise regime whether it be walking or a full gym workout.

Of note, Bodybuilders are probably one of the best eaters in the sporting environment. They eat for health and tone, but they eat a lot. If you want to lose weight but still eat a plate full, consider looking at what the bodybuilder consumes. Sure they workout lifting weights and doing cardio but they keep their bodies lean. You to can do the same with a regular exercise regime like walking combined with healthy eating.

If you want detailed information and numbers I have provided ExRx.Net links to valuable books on nutrition, and calculators that will help. Dieting is short term eating until you reach your goal or required weight. When you have reached your goal, normal healthy eating should follow.

Eating should be a pleasure and I believe if you consider a bodybuilders diet you will find what you are looking for here. If you have any medical issues you should seek medical advice before attempting any form of diet or exercise.

What to eat to lose weight

Foods to eat:

Egg Whites (protein)
Poultry white meats skinless (protein)
Fish (protein)
Green vegetables (low carbs)
Fresh Fruit (vitamins)
Salad greens (low carb)
Potatoes no butter or sour cream (medium carbs)

Eat to Lose Weight

In a hierarchy of fatty meats, pork is more fatty than beef, beef is more fatty than poultry with skin on it, poultry with skin is more fatty than skinned poultry, and skinned poultry is more fatty than fish.

Dark meat is somewhat higher in calories than is white meat.

Never fry foods. Cooking oil is pure fat. Grilling is better than boiling.

Avoid full-fat milk products, particularly butter. Full-fat cheese and milk are much higher in calories than low-fat cheese (cottage cheese low fat).

Avoid using oil or commercial dressings on your salads. Add parsley and other herb to salads and use lemon juice and/or vinegar as a dressing.

Dry baked potatoes without butter or sour cream are quite low in calories in proportion to their bulk.

What NOT to Eat

Foods not to eat:

Egg yolks (fat)
Pork and Beef (protein and fat)
Full fat milk products (protein, fat)
Corn (carbs)
Oils (fat)
Nuts, seeds and some grains (protein, fat, carbs)


Enhance your eating experience

Use a wide variety of herbs and spices in your cooking. Each herb and spice adds a distinct flavouring to your meat, vegetables and salads and all herbs and spices have a negligible caloric content.

If you must eat bread, use whole-grain bread and don't spread butter, peanut butter, jam, or jelly on it.

Avoid boiling vegetables, steaming is better. Boiling leeches valuable vitamins and minerals from foods. Avoid using butter or oil in cooking vegetables.

Avoid using all forms of sodium (salt) in your diet, since it retains 50 times its weight in water.

Everyone on a diet gets cravings now and then. You will particulary crave fats and refined sugar products. Avoid both. Eat instead naturally sweet fruit, such as watermelon and peaches.

Remember a diet is only short term or goal by goal. At the end of a diet goal you can treat yourself if the desire is there.

Diet to Gain Weight

In a way, dieting to gain weight involves eating a surplus - rather than a deficit - of calories.

It is more important during the weight gainning process to increase your daily intake of proteins, as protein forms the skeletal muscles of your body.

A Bodybuilders Sample Daily Menu

To gain weight

By eating smaller more frequent (every 2 hours) meals you can augment the total daily amount of protein that your body digests and ultimately assimilates as muscle tissue. Supplements are added for those lifting weights. If you are not weight lifting leave the supplements off the menu.

08:00AM Meal 1 - five egg cheese omelet, a piece of fruit, a glass of milk, supplements (for bodybuilders)

10:00AM Meal 2 - protein shake, supplements (for bodybuilders)

12:00 Noon Meal 3 - tuna salad, a glass of milk, supplements (for bodybuilders)

02:00PM Meal 4 - protein shake, supplements (for bodybuilders)

04:00PM Meal 5 - roast beef, baked potato, salad (blue cheese dressing), glass of milk, supplements (for bodybuilders)

06:00PM Meal 6 - fruit flavoured yogurt, boilded eggs, glass of milk, supplements (for bodybuilders)

If you are unable to consume milk because of galactose intollerance, you can still eat hard cheeses from which the lactose has been removed in the manufacturing process.

A Final Word on Diet

It should go without saying that sugar foods, sugar drinks, and fast foods are not going to help in weight control.

When you have reached your goal then allow yourself an indulgence as a reward, if you feel like one.

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