Monday, April 25, 2011

The age old question on how to lose weight!

I am always fascinated by the number of questions relating to weight loss from teenagers too seniors.  Yes it can be very complicated especially if you are an elite athlete who has to watch everything they eat, but for many of us it can be just a simple task. 

How do I lose weight?

Weight control is simple. You just have to manage it. For some it is easy, for others it is a life time commitment.

How you do it is your choice. There are thousands of weight loss  programs available to you. The TV will show the latest gizmo that will shed pounds in only a few weeks. 

The bottom line is this: To control your weight you need to exercise and eat healthy. Makes good sense and you can start as soon as you stop what you are doing and go for a walk.  You can walk whenever you feel like walking. There is no time limit you just have to walk some. 

Walk before eating. Walk after eating. Walk to the shop. Park your car one street away and walk to work.  Walk up the stairs. Walk down the stairs. Walk to the park. Walk to friends. Walk around the house. Carry a back pack with books to add some weight while you are walking.

Walking will get the heart going and leg mucles moving, arms swinging, lungs working, eyes and head moving as you take in the surroundings. It will allow your body to soak in the sun or wind and rain.  Walking will work the body from toe to head. It will make you feel good. It will give you freedom.

However, walking will only help control your weight if you eat healthy foods.  What you eat does make a difference and you do need to take a look at what you put in your mouth.

Stay away from sugar foods and sugar drinks, or at least reduce the number you do consume.  Dont get caught up in the details, just remember that you need to reduce your sugar intake.  That may require you to only have one soda instead of two, one chocolate instead of many, one dohnut instead of a few. 

What you eat is what you are.  Eat dohnuts and you will look like a dohnut.  Eat too many fast foods and you will be buying clothes to cover it. You must eat but it is also necessary to eat with thought. 

One of my favourite snacks is cottage cheese, and I will have several snacks a day. You can and should snack throughout the day, my choice is Cottage Cheese. Its healthy, high in protein low in fat and sugars.

Many foods can be categorised as being either low in fat, low in sugar or high in protein, but there aren't too many that can make all three claims. Cottage cheese can.

How you choose to lose weigh, or control your weight is a personal choice. We all know weight control is healthy for us and exercise will keep our bodies working in our senior years. Keep weight control simple unless you are an elite athlete or training for a marathon.

I am walking the Philippines, for health, for adventure.

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