Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bamboo Money Pole

Bamboo Money Pole
  I started making bamboo money (moneybox) poles a while back after seeing them in the Philippines. Its a novel way to save money. They vary in colour, size and diameter dependant on the bamboo, and they are roughly 40cm in length.  I sell them for $25 (plus postage and handling) which feeds back into the Philippine community. If you deposit a dollar a week in your bamboo money pole for a year you will have $52!  Great way to save money for the kids. If you would like one leave a message and I will contact you. I use two each year and leave them out at Christmas time for my niece and nephew.  By then they have $52 in each. They have a great time either breaking them open or last year my niece continued to use hers... I might ask her for a loan!

Bamboo is a tree-like woody grass.

The largest concentrations are in China and India.

It can grow more than a foot in one day.

There are more than 1,000 species

In many places bamboo is used as wood for construction work, furniture, utensils, fiber, paper, fuel, and innumerable small articles.

Bamboo sprouts are eaten as a vegetable, and the grains of some species are also utilized for food.

The bamboo has long been used for decorative purposes, both in gardens and in art.

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